The Olympics… the ancient tourney men of old came out stark naked to have a pissing contest for the entertainment of ancient Greece and for the honour of Zeus and the other elder gods… with all the stories of Zeus sneaky-linking with Greek maidens, you would expect that they would figure out Zeus would rather have naked women vying against themselves stark naked in his honour… an orchestra of competitive titties jiggling on track trying to get first place… Zeus sure would be pleased… now that I have had my fix(this is my avenue to get profanities out of my system) let’s properly talk about the Olympics: initially it was a religious rite of sort where athletes from all across Greece showed up in Olympia, on mount Olympus(the home of the gods) to test themselves against other athletes in the hopes that they come out tops and as such secure favour among gods and men, the Olympics was really a thing even at the time, such that the different city states of Greece who didn’t like each other(they were constantly at each other’s necks)… agreed to constantly having that event at mount Olympus in honour of Zeus in-spite of their dislike for one another, in some ways it helped them stomach each other, it unified them: the quest to find out who the strongest, fastest, fiercest human in Greece helped quell whatever hatred they might have for themselves; seeing athletes push themselves to the brink, some even till the point of death in the pursuit of physical and mental perfection soothed their hatred for themselves … Death comes for us all they say, and in this case Death moved on from taking  athletes on the sands in Olympia and came for the games itself: the Olympics met its end in  A.D 393  after Rome conquered Greece… the Romans saw no need to suck on Zeus’cock … lol(I wasn’t done, still have some more profanity to spew) and discontinued the games…the Olympics died… the end.

Sike(It basically means, “just kidding” or “yea, right”),  it became born again… or should I say reborn in 1896, : with Athens being it’s womb and and French aristocrat Pierre de Coubertin being it’s daddy, the event started being held every four years in 1924; people that weren’t allowed to play at a young age during the winter banded together and created games they could play in the snow… alas, the winter Olympics was born… on and on it went every four years athletes, from across the world prepared to test themselves against the very best from across the world, serving us superhuman feats and heart touching moments along the way… that’s until now.

The Frenches brought Armageddon upon the Olympics, since a French man was responsible for the reborn of the Olympics it’s only fitting that the French as a nation ruin it for us. In-spite of my many characterization of the Olympics we can’t deny it has been:  a unifier, it unified every one across sport lines. It helped us as people to be better, better at whatever sports we were competing at, and better at understanding ourselves; people from all across the world were meeting each other and learning to respect each other in-spite of  cultural divides and beliefs and creating bonds that in many instances outlived sports. Not these games though, the Paris Olympics has been anything but respectful, from the opening ceremony that got people of Christian inclination slighted, to the controversy around Algerian boxer Mane Khelif: the female boxer the west really wanted to be Trans… this Olympic games isn’t hitting the limelight for historic sporting feats or heart warming humane moments  but for societal squabbles over sexuality that the west have insisted on, even going as far as being a platform for pedophiles and rapists(laughing in Chinese and Dutch) … even an institution as old as the Olympics has got no chance against institutionalized lunacy that this supposed woke societies have put up… they have dug themselves into a pit and the Olympics has become one of their casualties… it’s all going down in the city of romance… perilous times are here, Zeus best beware, lest he find himself at the end of a cock instead of his preferred genitalia skin bare… Olympus really has fallen.

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